Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Safe & Sound : Grandparent's Apartment

The concept for the Gregory Apartment and Grabdparent's apartment was inspired by the song, "The Green Green Grass of Home".  These lyrics spoke about the happiness in coming home and the warmth and joy it can bring a person.  The man in the song feels safe in his home and this became the major concept in the design of the apartment. 

Concept Statement:

“The Green Green Grass of Home” by Tom Jones is a song about the warmth of home and the security it can bring to the one living there. The lyrics of this song became the inspiration for the concepts used in the Gregory and Grandparent’s residence.

The song speaks of the home as a place that is warm and bright, protected from the dangers of the unknown outside. The theme of protection and the warmth a home can bring is seen in the Grandparent’s apartment through color and shape. Shape can provide a sense of protection by creating a boundary between the person and the outside.  Additionally, the song spoke about the sunlight and the happiness it brought to him. This influenced the decision to use a transparent material and make sure natural light it able to pass through into my design.  This is seen starting in the entry and public corridor. The entry doors are glass and there are clerestory windows running along the hall letting natural light to the west wall of the apartments. Moving into the space the kitchen cabinetry are made 3form, a transparent material so the user can see the contents it holds but it is not distracting to the eye.  In the bathroom the shower doors are a frosted glass that allows more privacy for the user in case someone needs to get in while the shower is in use. In the bedroom, there is a canopy bed with drapes that can be drawn closed to add another level of privacy and sense of protection from the outside world.

To protect the home while still letting in natural light and warmth is an important factor. The home still has a firm sense of stability while been warm and bright. Color affects mood so warm colors were important so the resident felt safe within the apartment and they could relax. In the public spaces the concept of a warm, protected home is applied in the visual connection between rooms.  The rooms have a similar color palette which allows the user to feel connected to all parts and not isolated by walls.  Reds, yellows, and colors of the Palouse make the family feel at home and surrounded by what they love. Overall, the apartment offers a warm, safe, aging in place design that functions well with the space and reflects the needs of the user. 

Reflection: One of the most fun parts of this project was picking the materials and furniture for the space.  Guided by the colors and mood of the Palouse I picked warm, light colors and added a touch a dark for contrast here and there. Particularly in the living room the colors of the Palouse truly show with the yellow couch that reflects the wheat fields and an opposing maroon leather armchair. Picking the furniture was fun because I wanted to to be more on the antique, traditional side because Pullman and the surrounding towns are small and one of a kind.