Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Designer's View:Paris, Amsterdam and the French Riviera

 August 1-16, 2012

My two week journey through France and up into the Netherlands was an alternative to the Faculty Led program of Paris through Washington State University. Paris was main focus of my art, architecture and design explorations. The places I visited brought me many personal connections to the material I learned in my second year History of Interior class I had taken the previous semester. My experience in Paris contributed to my appreciation and admiration for historical places and the origins of design. While on this incredible adventure, my love for foreign cultures and traveling flourished and it has helped me decide to study abroad in Florence the fall semester of my final year in the design program. It was a trip I will never forget and I will continue to relive the memories for a lifetime. Below you can get a glimpse of my life changing experience!

Sainte Chapelle
Le Pantheon
The French Pavilion
The Hamlet of Marie Antoinette at Versailles

A collection of photos and blurbs from the trip can be found here.