Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Travel Writer's Retreat

This project was based of a Light Moment I created that was then developed into a concept.  The light moment evolved from the abstract painting, Flora in the Sand by Paul Klee. The line, shape and repetition of shape influenced the development of my light moment. I wanted to focus on the heavenly experience of traveling up a set of stairs. It can be magical when light leads you down a dark hallway or when it casts shadows that create a sense of interest. My design goal was to combine these two ideas into my light moment. From my "moment", I then began designing a retreat space for a travel writer in an existing site. My final product combined my light moment  and other design characteristics that I pulled from the original inspiration piece. Along with the stairs, the pop out nook midway became a large part of my light moment and experience in the final plans.

One thing I would like to improve is my sketch up skills! I wanted to be able to really portray a space as I want to design it.